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Monday, 18 January 2016

Printing listview items using fastreport in Delphi

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I am looking for a simple example or a reference to print items from a listview using fastreport. For example: I have a listview that has three columns: id, name and marks. The listview has n number items each containing id, name and marks of individual students. I need to print the whole listview using fastreport in a tabular format. I googled but couldn't find an exact sample for my scope. Similarly, I couldn't find any documentation regarding this in fastreport demo. I am using Delphi XE8 with default installed fastreport version.

For demonstration purposes.
Place on the form the following components:
  • TButton;
  • TListView;
  • frxReport;
  • frxUserDataSet;
Double click on frxReport. In the Fastreport designer do
insert ReportTitle, MasterData and PageFooter bands.
Press Report => Data menu items. Check frxUserDataSet check box and press OK button.
Assign MasterData band with frxUserDataSet as double click on MasterData band and select frxUserDataSet, then press 'OK' button.
In MasterData band insert Text object (Memo). In Memo write [element].
Designer should look like this :
enter image description here
Now we can write some code :
procedure TForm8.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  Li : TlistItem;
  // Just to fill some data in ListView 
  for I := 1 to 10 do
    Li := ListView1.Items.Add;
    LI.Caption := 'Col ' + IntToStr(i);

In frxReport1 OnGetValue event write for example :
procedure TForm8.frxReport1GetValue(const VarName: string; var Value: Variant);
  if CompareText(VarName, 'element') = 0 then
    Value := ListView1.Items[frxUserDataSet1.RecNo].Caption;
And now print data
procedure TForm8.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  frxUserDataSet1.RangeEnd := reCount;
  frxUserDataSet1.RangeEndCount := ListView1.Items.Count;
The result after Button1 is pressed:
enter image description here
Note : In this answer is used part of FastReport PrintStringList demo.

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