Connecting CentOS 6.3 to Windows XP and Mac OS X
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Written by Jaminyah
Wednesday, 27 March 2013 22:45
This article provides the steps for setting up a local network connection between a Linux CentOS 6.3 machine and a Windows XP machine. Also discussed is connecting Linux CentOS 6.3 to Mac OS X. In both cases the connection is made with a Category 6 Crossover patch cable. The goal of this article is to have the CentOS 6.3 machine Ethernet connection, eth0, set to a fixed IP address and have the Mac OS X and Windows machine Ethernet connection set to a fixed IP address such that Mac and Windows machines are on the same network as the CentOS 6.3 machine. Note in this setup, only two machines are connected at a time. That is, CentOS 6.3 to Mac OS X, then CentOS 6.3 to Windows. For this setup Windows XP is the selected operating system.
In this local network arrangement I arbitrary chose as the address for the CentOS 6.3 machine. In order for both the Mac and Windows machines to communicate on the same network with the CentOS 6.3 machine both Mac and Windows machines have to be set to an IP address such that the first three octets of the IP address is identical to that of the CentOS 6.3 machine. To achieve this I chose an IP address of for both the Mac and Windows machines. Since only two machines will be connected at any one time, I can set the last octet of the Mac and Windows machine IP address to same value, 1.
1. Linux CentOS Network Setup
1.1. Network Configuration
CentOS 6.3 provides a graphic user interface (GUI) for making configuration changes to its network connections. Once CentOS 6.3 is running perform the following:
- System | Preferences | Network Connections from the toolbar
- Select System eth0 then select the Edit button
- Select IPv4 Settings. Set to manual
- Set Address to
- Set Netmask to
- Set Gateway to
1.2. Configure LAN Settings
1.3. Ping
Network connection between the CentOS 6.3 machine and both Mac OS X and Windows machine can to tested for correct configuration by executing the ping command on the CentOS 6.3 machine. To ping open a terminal window on CentOS 6.3. At the command prompt enter ping .
Note: ping can only be preformed when either the Mac OS X machine or Windows machine is connected via a cross over cable to the CentOS 6.3 machine and each machine's network connection is properly configured as illustrated in the rest of this artile.
Note: ping can only be preformed when either the Mac OS X machine or Windows machine is connected via a cross over cable to the CentOS 6.3 machine and each machine's network connection is properly configured as illustrated in the rest of this artile.
2. Mac OS X Network Setup
2.1. System Preferences
2.2. Wireless Networking
2.3. Network Authorization
2.4. Network Configuration
2.5. Ping
Once the crossover cable is connected from the CentOS 6.3 machine to the Mac OS X machine the ping comand can be use to test the network connection. Since the IP address of the CentOS 6.3 machine is ping from the Mac OS X command shell with $ ping .
3. Windows Network Setup
3.1. LAN Properties
3.2. TCP Properties
Select the properties button from the LAN Area Connection Properties window and enter the values shown in the illustration.
3.3. Command Prompt
3.4. Prompt - Alternate
Command prompt can also be obtained with Run and enter cmd in the dialog box.
3.5. IP Configuration
Once the crossover cable is connected from the CentOS 6.3 machine to the Windows machine the ping comand can be use to test the network connection. Since the IP address of the CentOS 6.3 machine is 192.168.2 ping at the Windows comand shell with $ ping . Before performing ping however, the network configuration on the Windows machine can be verifyied with the ipconfig command.
4. Connection Test
A great test case to verify that our local network is properly configured is to run a web server on one machine and use a web browser on the second machine to access the server's localhost page. Since I have xampp server is available on my Windows machine I started Apache server and opened a web browser on the CentOS 6.3 machine with entered in the web browser's address bar. As expected, the web browser displayed the xampp default page verifying that the configuration was correct.
Last Updated on Saturday, 25 May 2013 13:35
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