DTValid (Delphi)
This example demonstrates the use of the decoding and recoding routines used for TDateTime variables.
var DateTime: TDateTime; month, year, week, nthday, dayy, dayw, weeky : Word; procedure TMainForm.btDecodeClick(Sender: TObject); begin { Decode the date } if rgDecode.ItemIndex = 0 then begin DecodeDateDay(DateTime, year, dayy); edDayYear.Text := IntToStr(dayy); edYear.Text := IntToStr(year); end; if rgDecode.ItemIndex = 1 then begin DecodeDateWeek(DateTime,year,weeky,dayw); edYear.Text := IntToStr(year); edWeekYear.Text := IntToStr(weeky); edDayWeek.Text := IntToStr(dayw); end; if rgDecode.ItemIndex = 2 then begin DecodeDateMonthWeek(DateTime,year,month,week,dayw); edYear.Text := IntToStr(year); edMonth.Text := IntToStr(month); edWeek.Text := IntToStr(week); edDayWeek.Text := IntToStr(dayw); end; if rgDecode.ItemIndex = 3 then begin DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth(DateTime,year,month,nthday,dayw); edYear.Text := IntToStr(year); edMonth.Text := IntToStr(month); edDayWM.Text := IntToStr(nthday); edDayWeek.Text := IntToStr(dayw); end; end; procedure TMainForm.btEncodeClick(Sender: TObject); begin { Encode the date } if rgEncode.ItemIndex = 0 then begin dayy := StrToInt(edDayYear.Text); year := StrToInt(edYear.Text); if IsValidDateDay(year,dayy) then begin DateTime := EncodeDateDay(year,dayy); edDate.Text := DateTimeToStr(DateTime); end else ShowMessage('Not a valid date'); end; if rgEncode.ItemIndex = 1 then begin dayw := StrToInt(edDayWeek.Text); year := StrToInt(edYear.Text); weeky := StrToInt(edWeekYear.Text); if IsValidDateWeek(year,weeky,dayw) then begin DateTime := EncodeDateWeek(year,weeky,dayw); edDate.Text := DateTimeToStr(DateTime); end else ShowMessage('Not a valid date'); end; if rgEncode.ItemIndex = 2 then begin dayw := StrToInt(edDayWeek.Text); year := StrToInt(edYear.Text); month := StrToInt(edMonth.Text); week := StrToInt(edWeek.Text); if IsValidDateMonthWeek(year, month, week, dayw) then begin DateTime := EncodeDateMonthWeek(year,month,week,dayw); edDate.Text := DateTimeToStr(DateTime); end else ShowMessage('Not a valid date'); end; if rgEncode.ItemIndex = 3 then begin dayw := StrToInt(edDayWeek.Text); year := StrToInt(edYear.Text); month := StrToInt(edMonth.Text); nthday := StrToInt(edDayWM.Text); DateTime := EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth(year,month,nthday,dayw); edDate.Text := DateTimeToStr(DateTime); end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin { Initialize the variable with the current date } DateTime := Date; edDate.Text := DateToStr(DateTime); end;
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